The longest word in the English language is something I had a very brief look into a around a month ago.
I was watching one of E4's landfill “100 best” shows, this one on musicals, and a writer of a certain piece of saccharine fucking nonsense laid claim that a word in this song took the place of the longest word in English. This annoyed me.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a stupid, piece of coined non-sense and even as I write this has a big wavy red line underneath it – even still it does appear in many a dictionary. Thankfully it does so as a proper noun. This means that many would not consider it a contender for longest word.
This in turn asks the questions, what definition do we use for a 'word' and how should length be compared.
Chemical names are usually stupidly long. Where do we draw the limits on coinage and construction?
Well, I'm not going to get bogged down in all that shit and instead I'm just going to list the longest words – from those coined to those of chemical names.
The first one is what many might consider the true longest word in the English language as it is a non-coined, non-technical word –
Antidisestablishmentarianism. (28 letters)
It's a constructed word which I'm too lazy to break down now but give it some thought and you can do it by yourself, it's quite easy really. Just start at establish.
Anyway, the word itself means “the movement or ideology that opposes disestablishment”.
And really, you could expand on the word further and have antidisestablishmentarianisticalized and you can continue the fun by adding prefixes to that...
The next word, while still non-technical, is coined.
Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) - "the action or habit of estimating as worthless".
I don't what to talk about this word any more because I hate it. It's something I can see Will Self using to belittle me because he's so fucking smart and so smug light fucking bends around him.
In a reverse of the above, non-coined but technical,
Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters) is next in-line. It's normally written as pseudoPHP.
In short it's an inherited disorder similar to Pseudohypoparathyroidism. A medical condition.
Now, to combine the above two, we have the next longest word, a technical and coined word,
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters).
It was coined in 1935 by Everett M. Smith purley to be the longest word ever to appear in a dictionary and to this date it is. It's own definition reads "a fictitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.'"
There's then a huge word, 183 letters long, coined by some Greek called Aristophanes in his comedy “Assemblywomen”. It was written around 390BC...
epikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephall-iokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon.Fucking non-sense.
Apparently it means a dish made up of all different dishes. God, I'm pissing my self with laughter. That must have been one hell of read back in the day.
Then finally, the longest, most stupid word in English, clocking in at a stupid 189, 819 letters, of which I will not be writing here, or even copy and paste here, is a protein called Titin or conectin.
It's the largest known protein and because of this, if you use the names of each amino acid found within, you get this big stupid word. Kinda like calling a sponge cake by all it's ingredients stuck together.
If an organic chemist wants to tell me that's a poor comparison, please do.
A short version of it missing the middle, a lot of the middle, looks like this - Methionylthreonylthreonyl...isoleucine.
And that's your boring lot.
Every time I set out a topic to write about I plan to draft and redraft and I never end up doing that. The above was all written in one go in a twenty minute session so sorry if it's a mess.